NAN calls for police video footage to be admitted in Mamakwa-McKay inquest
Nishnawbe Aski Nation is supporting the call for a Thunder Bay Police video depicting the police dragging a First Nation inmate by the leg across the floor to be admitted as evidence in an upcoming inquest. Aboriginal Legal Services and the families of Don Mamakwa, from Kasabonika Lake, and Roland McKay, from Kitchenuhmaykoosib Inninuwug, who both died while in custody of the Thunder Bay Police, argued during a Jan. 14 motion hearing for the video to be admitted as evidence at the upcoming inquest into their deaths.
Attawapiskat First Nation is my home community and it was where I was born and raised with my family. When I think about where I grew up, I feel like I came...
My father Marius Kataquapit, a hunter, trapper and traditional person from the remote Attawapiskat First Nation could understand the English language but...