Lenny Carpenter — Wawatay News

Fundraiser helps homeless youth in Thunder Bay

Create: 12/01/2015 - 19:34

A music fundraiser to support youth living on their own or on the street took place Dec. 5 at the Learning Café in Thunder Bay.
Stocking the Youth Cupboard was an initiative organized by Rachel Mishenene, who is originally from Mishkeegogamang First Nation.
“This is the third year and we have it every December, and we invite various local talent to play music, and it brings community members out,” she said.

Spence takes Aboriginal Affairs to court

Create: 12/01/2015 - 19:34

Attawapiskat Chief Theresa Spence has filed a court injunction against Aboriginal Affairs for its decision to put her community under third party management despite a promise the imposed intervention would be lifted once the housing crisis is over.
Spence said the paperwork was signed immediately following a 90-minute meeting with Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Minister John Duncan Dec. 15 in Thunder Bay after Duncan “insisted that the third party has to be involved in this crisis.”

Attawapiskat youth take Shannen’s Dream to UN

Create: 12/01/2015 - 19:34

Attawapiskat’s Chelsea Edwards knows all too well how bad it is to attend school in portables.
“It sucks,” the 16-year-old said. “Having to walk portable to portable when it’s –40 degrees, and you have the wind chill, wind blowing in your face.”
Edwards was a toddler when the J.R. Nakogee School in Attawapiskat was condemned due to diesel fuel contamination in 2001. Before she moved south to attend high school, all her education was learned in those portables.
“I basically wore my jacket inside the portable during winter. You could feel the draft coming in.”

Attawapiskat housing crisis

Create: 12/01/2015 - 19:34

The Attawapiskat housing crisis drew national debate and brought First Nations funding issues to the forefront, making it Wawatay’s news story of the year.
The community declared a state of emergency in late-October as five families, including Elders and children, were living in tent frame shelters or sheds and were expected to endure the upcoming winter without proper housing. First Nation officials said they were living without running water, sewers or electricity. Some reportedly had to throw their sewage out in a ditch.

Chapman travels abroad to expand artistic horizons

Create: 12/01/2015 - 19:34

The work of Fort William’s Christian Chapman was displayed at the Thunderbird Aboriginal Arts, Culture and Entrepreneur Centre in Toronto in late-November.
Chapman produced the work during an artist-in-residency program in Finland in April. Chapman and his partner Jean Marshall, a Kitchenuhmaykoosib Inninuwug artist, travelled to Kaamanen in northern Finland to learn about the Sami culture, artwork and crafts.
“It’s beautiful work,” Chapman said. “We got to see a lot of their traditional art while we were in Lapland.”

Filmmaker Derosier

Create: 12/01/2015 - 19:33

For her consistent presence in the community for her films that highlight Aboriginal issues or her work within the community, Michelle Derosier is female newsmaker of the year.
It was a busy year for the Eagle Lake First Nation member, who co-owns Thunderstone Pictures, a film and video production company based in Thunder Bay.
In September, she premiered her feature documentary, Return to Manowin, which chronicled her family’s attempts to revive their traditional rice-harvesting after 30 years of absence.

Theresa Spence

Create: 12/01/2015 - 19:33

Her drive to provide housing for her community and her stance against third-party management has made Theresa Spence the second female newsmaker of the year.
Spence’s first year as chief of Attawapiskat was relatively quiet until she declared a state of emergency in late-October due to a housing crisis. Five families, including Elders and children, living in tent frame shelters and sheds were expected to endure the harsh Canadian winter without proper housing.


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